Unidentified Roman sculptor, Mattei Ceres (reduced version), 300 BC-200 BC.
Plaster cast, 19th century?. 1090 mm x 380 mm x 260 mm, Weight: 24.5 kg. © Photo: Royal Academy of Arts, London.
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After Unidentified Roman sculptor
RA Collection: Art
Ceres, Roman goddess of agriculture and grain, was identified with the Greek goddess Demeter. She is typically depicted holding grain or ears of corn.
A cast after the ‘Mattei Ceres’, a marble figure which is thought to have been found on the Roman estates of the Mattei family. It was purchased by Pope Clementine in 1770 and placed in the Museo Pio-Clementino the following year.
1090 mm x 380 mm x 260 mm, Weight: 24.5 kg