Unidentified Roman sculptor and Naukydes, Cast of the Standing Discobolus, ?1872.
Plaster cast. 1919 mm x 930 mm x 510 mm. © Photo: Royal Academy of Arts, London. Photographer: Paul Highnam.
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Unidentified Roman sculptor and Naukydes
RA Collection: Art
According to Pliny in his Natural History, the Greek sculptor Naukydes (fl. c 420-390BC) made a Discobolos, and this statue has long been associated with Roman copies representing an athlete preparing to throw a discus. Unlike the famous all-action discus thrower by Myron, here the athlete is preparing for his throw, while a knotty tree trunk rises behind him.
This cast is of a Roman copy of an Attic original sculpture, which was found in the ruins of a Roman villa on the Appian Way by Gavin Hamilton in 1792. The original has been atributed to Naukydes and dated 420-400 BC and is in the Vatican Collection. The head does not belong with the body, but was found with it.
1919 mm x 930 mm x 510 mm