British Museum, Cast of lunging Lapith and rearing centaur from Parthenon (South Metope, VII).
Plaster cast, early 19th century. 1350 mm x 1410 mm x 320 mm. © Photo: Royal Academy of Arts, London. Photographer: Paul Highnam.
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From: British Museum
RA Collection: Art
The cast is of a metope (no. 7) from the south side of the Parthenon; it is now in the British Museum. The cast was given to the Academy by Richard Westmacott with two other casts of metopes (South 27, 05/2920 and South 30, 05/2921) in 1820. It shows the state of the metope in the early 19th century.
The original object was drawn by J. Carrey in 1674 at which point both heads were preserved. In 1801-1802, the metope was removed from the Parthenon by Lord Elgin. The head of the Lapith re-surfaced and was purchased in 1880 by the Louvre. The head of the Centaur has been found in Athens (Acropolis Museum).
1350 mm x 1410 mm x 320 mm