Haydn Reynolds Mackey, Book illustration, 'Scene with musicians and a thief', early 20th century?.
Colour linocut. 101 mm x 89 mm. © The Artist's Estate. © Photo: Royal Academy of Arts, London.
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Haydn Reynolds Mackey (1883 - 1979)
RA Collection: Art
101 mm x 89 mm
Haydn Reynolds Mackey
Book illustration, 'Scene of Henry VIII', early 20th century?
Hand-coloured linocut
Haydn Reynolds Mackey
Book illustration, 'An execution', early 20th century?
Hand-coloured linocut
Haydn Reynolds Mackey
Cosmetic label, 'Cloisonne Manicure Set', early 20th century?
Hand-coloured linocut
Haydn Reynolds Mackey
Cosmetic label, 'Passco Manicure Set', early 20th century?
Hand-coloured linocut
Haydn Reynolds Mackey
Cosmetic label, 'Passco Cuticle Remover', early 20th century?
Colour linocut
Haydn Reynolds Mackey
Cosmetic label, 'Passco Nail Paste', early 20th century?
Coloured linocut
Haydn Reynolds Mackey
Cosmetic label, 'Passco Cuticle Cream', early 20th century?
Coloured linocut
Haydn Reynolds Mackey
Cosmetic label, 'Passco Nail Cake', early 20th century?
Coloured linocut