RA Collection: People and Organisations
Lawyer, anti-slavery campaigner, politician; historian, collector and patron of the arts. Active in Liverpool.
Born: 8 March 1753 in Liverpool
Died: 27 June 1831
Gender: Male
William Roscoe
Illustrations, Historical And Critical, Of The Life Of Lorenzo De' Medici, called The Magnificent; With An Appendix Of Original And Other Documents. By William Roscoe. - London:: 1822.
Varii Disegni Inventati dal Celebre Francesco Mazzuola Detto Il Parmigianino Tratti Dalla Raccolta Zanettiana Incisi in Rame Da Antonio Faldoni e novamente Pubblicati. - Venezia: [1786]
Catherine Ann Dorset
The peacock "at home." / by a lady [i.e. Catherine Ann Dorset]. And Butterfly's Ball : an original poem. By Mr. [William] Roscoe. - London: [1831]
Wm. Roscoe, Toxteth Park, nr. Liverpool, to Sir Thomas Lawrence, 65 Russell Square, London
23 May 1825
Item LAW/4/335
W. Roscoe, Toxteth Park, nr. Liverpool to Sir Thos. Lawrence P.R.A., 65 Russell Square, London
5 Jan 1825
Item LAW/4/294
W. Roscoe, Toxteth Park, nr. Liverpool, to Sir Thomas Lawrence
15 Oct 1824
Item LAW/4/253
W. Roscoe, Toxteth Park, nr. Liverpool, to Sir Thomas Lawrence, Presnt. of the Royal Academy of Arts, 65 Russell Square, London
14 Sep 1824
Item LAW/4/247