A catalogue of the capital, genuine, and valuable collection of pictures, late the property of that eminently distinguished artist Sir Joshua Reynolds : late President of the Royal Academy, decd. comprising the undoubted works of the greatest masters of the Roman, Florentine, Bolognese, Venetian, French, Flemish, and Dutch schools, in the most perfect state of preservation. The whole of which will be sold by auction (by order of the executors) by Mr. Christie, on Wednesday 11th, and Thursday 12th of March, 1795, at his rooms (late the Royal Academy) Pall Mall; and on Friday 13th, and Saturday 14th of March, 1795, at his Great Room (next Cumberland House) Pall Mall. ...

James Christie the elder

RA Collection: Book

Record number




London: [s.n.], 1795

Physical Description

[3], 6-28 pages ; 28 cm.

General Note

Each day's sale headed with the printed dates: March 5th, 1794; March 6th, 1794; March 7th, 1794; March 8th, 1794; corrected in ms.
Sale dates: 13-17 March 1795 (originally scheduled for 11-14 March 1795).
This is a photocopy of the photocopy in the Getty Research Institute Library, Los Angeles.

Name as Subject


Paintings, European - History
Collections - Great Britain - London - History - 18th century
Catalogues - Sales catalogs - Great Britain - 18th century