Dame Barbara Rae RA (b. 1943)
RA Collection: Art
This painting is based on drawings made in the Lammermuir Hills in January and February of 1997. It was then completed in one working session at Barbara Rae’s studio.
Rae explained that she visited the area in midwinter because it is then that the starkness of the landscape is evident and the structure and outlines of pylons, tracks, fences and burnt heather are clearer.
Rather than recording external appearances, Rae finds a painterly equivalent for the experience, translating it into bold gestural sweeps and blocks of colour, and scratching into the surface with the handle of a brush. As Rae explained ‘During January’s snow there were some incredible sunset-quality colours: inky blues, pale mauves and lavenders, pink fluffy clouds. Obviously strong rose and purple were not present – but the feeling, the atmosphere of pink, indigo and purple was there.'
1832 mm x 1980 mm x 40 mm