William Collins RA, River Scenery, By Turner And Girtin, With Descriptions By M<SUP>rs</SUP>. Hofland.  Engraved by Eminent Engravers, from Drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A. And The Late Thomas Girtin.

Eton, on the River Thames, 1 January 1824

After William Collins RA (1787 - 1847)

RA Collection: Art

Eton, on the River Thames
After William Collins RA (1787 - 1847)
Engraved by
Thomas Lupton (1791 - 1873)
Published by
William Bernard Cooke (1778 - 1855)
River scenery by Turner and Girtin ['Rivers of England'], London 1827, pl.3
1 January 1824
Object type
Print Plate
Mezzotint on steel

150 mm x 213 mm

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
This image is from a book

River Scenery, By Turner And Girtin, With Descriptions By Mrs. Hofland. Engraved by Eminent Engravers, from Drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A. And The Late Thomas Girtin. - London.

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