RA Collection: People and Organisations
Book-seller and publisher, in London.
A. B. Van Worrell
Van Worrell's Tableau Of The Dutch And Flemish Painters Of The Old School. - Dedicated, By Permission, To His Majesty. - - London:: 1832.
George Stubbs ARA
The Anatomy Of The Horse. Including A particular Description of the Bones, Cartilages, Muscles, Fascias, Ligaments, Nerves, Arteries, Veins, and Glands. In Eighteen Tables, all done from Nature. By George Stubbs, Painter. - London:: 1766.
Andrew Robertson
The Parthenon, adapted to the purpose of a national monument, to commemorate the victories of the late war; proposed to be erected in Trafalgar Square, or Hyde Park. / By Andrew Robertson, A.M. - London: 1838
Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool
The Speech of the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, in the House of Lords, on Friday 3rd, and Saturday 4th November, 1820, on the Second reading of the Bill of Pains and Penalties. - London: 1820