RA Collection: People and Organisations
Born: 21 April 1891 in London, England, United Kingdom
Died: 31 July 1972
Nationality: British
Elected ARA: 27 April 1934
Elected RA: 23 April 1942
Elected Senior RA: 31 December 1966
Gender: Female
Preferred media: Painting
Amy Clare Waters
A penny for the guy / by Clare Collas ; illustrated by Dod Procter, R.A. - London: 1945
Amy Clare Waters
The blue-coated heron : an adventurous story / by Clare Collas ; illustrated by Dod Procter, R.A. - London: 1944
Amy Clare Waters
Four's company : a children's fantasy / by Clare Collas ; illustrated by Dod Procter, R.A. - London: 1942