RA Collection: People and Organisations
Born: 17 May 1768
Died: 7 August 1821
Gender: Female
Thomas Jonathan Wooler
The Kettle abusing the Pot: A satirical poem. / By the Black Dwarf. - London: 1820
The loyal man in the moon. With thirteen cuts. / By the author of The constitutional house that Jack built. - London: 1820
William Hone
The Queen's matrimonial ladder, a national toy, with fourteen step scenes; and illustrations in verse, with eighteen other cuts. / By the author of "The political house that Jack built." [i.e. William Hone.] - London: 1820
Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool
The Speech of the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, in the House of Lords, on Friday 3rd, and Saturday 4th November, 1820, on the Second reading of the Bill of Pains and Penalties. - London: 1820
[Thomas Lawrence], Russell Square, to [Miss Croft
18 Jul [1820]
Item LAW/9/88
E. Devonshire, Spa, Sr. Thomas Lawrence, Russell Square, London
16 Aug 1821
Item LAW/3/314
Hy. Fuseli, to Sir Thomas
[c. Jun 1821]
Item LAW/3/306
[Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire], Rome, to [Thomas Lawrence]
16 Dec 1820
Item LAW/3/239